When the phone rings in the Feline Forensics department, there's only one investigator for the job... and they're the cat's meow. Unravel this noir murder mystery turned museum heist with your own two paws, and make injustice knead its last biscuit. Navigate the marble halls, admire the a-meow-zing artwork, and interrogate a "colorful" cast of suspects until they cough up hairballs... and the truth. Will the detective wrap up the case in time for an afternoon nap, or will crime be burning the midnight catnip?
Prior to the formal founding of Nobody Crown, I took on a nine week production challenge for graduate school credit, and created the first demo of Feline Forensics. While the foundation of the game's mechanics were complete, and it's characters and settings thoroughly established, the museum's complex mystery was purely speculative. A matter of "whodunit" was left up in the air, allowing the player to connect their own red string theories and potential conclusions. However, I wasn't satisfied to let corruption go unpunished... or the potential of an awesome, cozy, and soft-boiled detective story go incomplete.
- Intriguing narrative with several interconnected plots to follow, and plenty of puzzles, solved only through expert deductive reasoning.
- Charming array of characters, including an anti-social frog artist, a pig tourist with a suspicious past, a true crime podcasting koala, and more.
- Uniquely hand-drawn art style to inspire the whimsical museum atmosphere, including inerpretations of famous artwork (parody law please protect us).
- Jazz soundtrack as provided by the most noir of instruments, including a saxophone, a trumpet with a literal plunger in it, a piano someone took from an abandoned speakeasy, and more.
- Just far too many cat puns... actually, no pun is off-limits. Its honestly an excessive use of groan-worthy humor.
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About Nobody Crown
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- Nobody Crown is a solo independent game developer based out of a little corner in the sprawling suburban kingdoms of Pennsylvania.
- More information
- More information on Nobody Crown, our logo & relevant media are available here.
Feline Forensics and the Meowseum Mystery Credits
- Eric K.
- Solo Developer
- For All Inquiries: